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The call is closed!
see you at the

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- Biophilic Edition -


Thanks for your interest in the International Street Design Challenge Biophilic Edition!

Your participation is key to make this exchange successful, highlighting the  importance of water-sensitive, biodiversity-sensitive, regenerative and resilient urban design to shift our perspective towards the future of our urban landscapes. We believe biophilic streets (pollinator gardens, food security projects and connection with nature to boost creativity) are one of the most crucial steps towards a holistic approach for a healthier and more harmonious future for all.

Let's work together and use creativity to create a more sustainable world. 

Deadline is october 10th, register now!

Please fill out this form to register your city in the Street Design Challenge by the Education Group of UNESCO Cities of Design.

We know what design can do. Design has the power to generate transcendental changes. In the Education Group of UNESCO Cities of Design we are working to make this power visible. Urban streets can be defined as organisms that constantly evolve, adapt, and respond to its immediate environment. Their relevance goes beyond being just places to transit. People spend eight times more time in streets as compared to parks which makes its impact quite evident. Biophilia is defined as the innate human instinct to connect with nature and other living beings. It’s about the love of live and the living world; the affinity of human beings for other life forms. For this year’s Street Design Challenge we want students from our cities to use biophilic design as a strategy to beautify a periurban street from around the world. We are thinking about using pollinator gardens, food security projects, biodiversity regeneration and connection with nature to boost creativity from non-centralized populations in our metropolis. Street Design Challenge 2022 is an opportunity to foster international exchange of talent but also to empathize with the reality of our partner design cities around the globe. Your representative team or teams will have 48 hours to virtually visit and develop a project that could help in the crucial steps towards a holistic approach for a healthier and more harmonious future of one street, one community: one city. Join the challenge and let’s design the world we want!


submit your proposal here  


You are almost done. Thank you for all the effort you have put into getting here.

In order for your project to be considered you will be asked to upload:

1) The link to a 3 minutes video about your project.
2)The "before/after" A0 slide of your project
3) The A4, 10 pages project dossier

All of the above, before the deadline:

November 14th at 10:00 hours of your local time.

To submit your proposal lease fill in the following form:

Remember: Although written and spoken language must be in English, those are only two of the different ways to explain design. Be CREATIVE!

upload here
Captura de pantalla 2022-11-13 a la(s) 12.47.30.png

Upload your project dossier. This question is required.*

10 A4 pages presented in PDF format.

We encourage intelectual property protection. Please use references and credits in your proposals.

We recommend including:
-Photos, texts, diagrams, timelines, anything that helps understand how you got to your ideas.
-background, justification, theoretical framework, objectives, methodology and conclusions of the final design.

upload your dossier here

That's it.

Make sure you press the SUBMIT button.
We will contact you soon with the information about the Awarding Ceremony.

Your proposal has been sent, thank you for your participation and good luck in the challenge. We will send a confirmation email shortly.

If you have any questions, please email us at:

- 2022 Street Design Challenge Organisation Team




Registration for the 2022 Street Design Challenge is open!


­The event is a two-day competition for university students to share their vision on how public space design can improve quality of life in our communities.


The challenge will take place from 12th to 14th of November and the first registration phase ends on 18th September.


Download the concept note below to learn more.

exclusive for Focal Points
Open for all Students and Teachers
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